Thursday, September 30, 2010
Someone I call "Father".
7:17:00 PM
"I love you so much" can't measure to how much I really do. "Thank You" isn't enough too.
Today is his birthday, Salleh B Hamid.
Happy Birthday Dad. Happy HAPPY Happy Birthday! May Allah bless your kind soul, and may you live a long healthy life. May you be given "murah rezeki" and may all other good things be in store for you. Thank you for what you have always done for this family, for me especially. Thank you for the love, the care and concern, the time and the effort you have poured in to make us into what we are today, to bring us all to where we are today.
You are a strong man that seldom shed tears. Though you may be short-tempered at times, I still want to thank you for raising us up to be responsible, respectful adults. You are my idol and I wished I could have lived your dream for you. Of course, that wouldn't be a waste. It'd be my pleasure to realise your dream for you. Maybe one day, I'd be given the chance to do it; Insyallah.
It's not too much if I say that this man is the best father for me. He may not be the smartest, the richest or even the most handsome dad ever, but he is the right man for the job: Father. He gives me love, more than I could ever ask for. He looks after me, cooks for me, fights with me. He would bring a smile to my face, He could also be very scary though. Every morning, I would prefer it all quiet and peaceful. But he spoils by annoying me, and asking all the useless questions one can think of. Every day, I would prefer delicious foods, according to my taste. But he would just re-heat whatever food we had yesterday and if we are lucky, he'll add a few stuff to it. Still, it'd be delicious. Every night, I'd want to spend time watching my favourite korean shows/dramas, not that I'm not watching it all day. Or sometimes, I'd have assignments to do and get all stressed up. Then either way, he'd come to my room and disturb all the "don't-disturb-me" time that I have.
But if he doesn't do all these stuff, only God knows how dull my life would have been. How hard it is for me to go through this long, tough (bs) life that I have. This man is a father and a friend to me.
On this day, I want to thank you for always being there for me and supporting me, even when I don't appreciate it. I want to apologize for always forgetting to call you, or talking back to you. I want to say that I love you so much and that I am definitely a daddy's daughter because you are the best dad any girl could get. Even when you'd force me to go home early, or not on the phone for too long, or not allow me to go for an overnight chalet with my friends, or worry about the littlest things I could possibly do, I still want to thank you for making em into this person that I am.
If I haven't been the best daughter to you, or haven't given just as much back to you, then I will make sure I try even harder form now on. I want to make you proud, I want to make you happy, I am 19 now so you can let me walk by myself.
But even so, I still want you to hold my hand when we walk, irritate me and joke around with me as if you are the child, and keep on nagging and (over)protecting me like you have always done so. I may get angry but every time, I know you only do so because you love me too much also.
I may not express it much but I hope you know how important you are in my life. I do not even want to think/imagine a single day without you. So while I still have the time, I hope I won't ever disappoint you too much, or make you angry or bring tears to your eyes.
There are so many things that I want to say still but I guess this much is enough here. Once again, Happy Birthday and ILUSM. Thank you for everything <3
(enter my name here)
Labels: pause, play, rewind
Monday, September 27, 2010
I am 19 today, but my birthday cake says it's 17. Age is, afterall, just a number.
7:59:00 PM
I never expected my big day this year would turn out this way. Much have I learnt, Much have I received, and Much More will I return. This year, it's by far the happiest (and saddest) big day of all my other years. Or at least, that's what I feel right now.
Everyday, I learn something new. Today, I learn that people are meant to change. I learn that we get busy, and we forget. We ignore the smallest things, and we think it is okay. We don't really lie, but at least it is the truth. We leave out some things, and talk more about other things. To much sometimes, that we often end up with a different end in mind. Today I learn that in this life, there will be people to hurt you, to bring you down, to step on you, to treat you like a stain. These people may be the people closest to you, not just your enemies.
But we forgive because "we are friends" and we forget because "we are friends". That is life and it still goes on.
I realise now what I'm worth to the people around me. My family, My friends. Who I am, What I am, How special I am. They say what you don't know, can't hurt you. Today, what I don't know, hurts me alot. To not know my place, To not know what is real and To now know what are just mere words (without meanings or feelings attached) - I almost lost myself.
But that is exactly what life is, and we will all learn how to move on. Even if it takes more than just one try, I will not give up and move on. Even if I don't want to, I will move on for the sake of my own happiness, not his. I will move on.
I am really thankful for all the love that I am getting. I do not want to put off this happy feeling just because I didn't get what I wanted. I guess it is also true when God doesn't give you what you want, it is not what you need then. If I don't need it, then I shall not wait for it anymore.
Hence in conclusion:
What I have learnt 1) Of change. 2) Of hope and disappointment. 3) Of life and tomorrow
What I will keep in mind 1) The true concept of honesty. 2) If I don't need it, then I do not want it. If I can live w/o it, I don't need it. If I am hoping for it, then I only want it.
Thank you all <3 From the bottom of my heart, thankyou terima kasih arigatou kozaimas kamsahamnida^^V
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Life Lesson #19
12:11:00 AM
"Don't you dare smile/laugh when I am angry. You are obviously in the wrong, does it look like I'm in the mood to joke? Don't you dare accuse me, and put words in my mouth when I have yet to explain myself. Don't you dare act like you know me well. Don't you think for one second, that I am your friend."
It is so disappointing that in the end, they could hurt me too. Even after I've been beside them, even after I've stood up for them - They just say it like I don't care. They say I'm good this way, They must be joking. They say I don't need to change, They must be lying. They are my friends.
It's hard. I just can't tell them. I'll just have to figure myself out.
They cannot know, They wouldn't know.
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Monday, September 20, 2010
I should meet this wise man.
2:27:00 PM
A wise man does not curse the ground when he falls. Instead, he uses the ground to stand again, and walk till the end. The wise man does not cry because he fell, or because he is in pain. The man cries because he is now at the end line.
(enter ny name here)
Labels: the world as it is
12:37:00 AM
If you're thankful, then say thank you.
If you're guilty, then say sorry.
If you're angry, If you're tired, If you're sad,
Say it out loud.
If you are scared, then you will never be honest.
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Thursday, September 16, 2010
What should I do with this ring?
9:58:00 PM
I keep asking myself the same question, thinking that I'd think of a better, different answer. But everytime, that answer still remians the same. So I keep on thinking, and say that "I'm still thinking", hopefully by the time next time I (or anybody else) asks me, it is finally a different, honest answer.
Yes, hopefully. Hope is something I should stop giving to myself.
Or atleast, about this.
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Monday, September 13, 2010
Okay so I will always play the bad guy.
10:09:00 PM
Urgggghhhh! assignments due 2weeks after another, readings piling up really quickly, datelines to meet, WHAT ELSE - whoever said Uni life was easy definitely didn't make it there at all. Either that or he was a nerd who didn't enjoy JC life one bit :(
UURRGGHHHH! Feeling a bit off balance here. That anxious, restless mind. That suspense feeling. I can't focus. I need to let out some stress. Okay maybe alot :(
One, please everyone stop being soooooo sensitive, and then pretending as if you don't care but every now and then you open your mouth only to talk about your unhappiness. Face it, this is life. People forget, People change. What do you want me to do?
Two, it's slowlyyyy getting on my nerves that i cannot forget about this. Can't. Stop. Thinking. About. __________. Get a hold of yourself SHAFIENASSSSSSSS :(
Three, I need a long hiatus. AND OHH DOUBLE-U :(
p.s. This is still not a proper post.
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I'm staring at the phone; waiting for your call/msg is like waiting for paint to dry.
9:12:00 PM
(Short post)
I miss talking to you on the phone.
I want to call, but I can't find any excuse.
p.s. It's been a looooooong hiatus since my last proper post, but not this time again.
(enter my name here)
Labels: and who am i?