Thursday, July 30, 2009
You are my bad habit
11:44:00 PM
This is like a bad habit.
You know how bad habits are just too difficult to get rid of?
You know how bad habits are very bad, especially for you?
This is like that kind of bad habit.
My mistakes -
they are the best examples
of my excessive bad habits.
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
my reply
8:58:00 PM
Actions speak louder than words.
In fact, they were too loud today.Maybe I should just stop blabberingand start using my eyes to look around.Or maybe you can stop eavesdroppingand start using your eyes to look too.I was born greedy and stubborn.
I'm still human, I'm just human.And these are just words.
p.s. Go figure my explanation, Fir.(enter my name here)
Labels: and who am i?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
the pun
11:23:00 PM

A question just out of imagination.
From a simple, harmless illusion,
it started to become more of an obligation.
It wasn't an obsession, for sure.
This situation, this frustration;
confusion is itself a solution.
My impossible mission.
(enter my name here)
Labels: and who am i?
Monday, July 13, 2009
oh mother!
9:01:00 PM
The future is a very scary world to talk/wonder about. And it's scarier when you have to enter it someday and then live in it. The fear of the unknown, of what the future holds may be overwhelming, but the fear of what you already know that might/could/would happen is even greater. Because of that, to some extent, you'd feel like no matter how hard you'd try, you still won't make the cut. Thinking about the worst-case scenarios just bothers me to the extent that sometimes, I (intentionally) just give up.
Having said that, I'm not saying I'm going to continue this attitude. From now on, till the very last second of the last paper, I will give my all, my best, and my everything. I will try to really live, sleep, eat, talk and etc etc etc of only my wonderful 5 subjects (I did mention the word 'try'.) And if this is not good enough, I will make sure that the fault does not lie with me, should I screw up eventually. So, to nurulshafienasbintesalleh: Fighting!
Ironically, I will now post up pictures/video of my new Korean bf(s).
Kim Hyung Joong

Kim Sang Bum

And what's even better, they are neighbours! I have no idea why I am excited over that. And I cannot believe that Kim Bum is only 20! Notice the neatness of their hairstyles? It's an indicator of a potential true gentleman. (No, I made that up.) The word charming and cute just met their true owners.
Oh and to my K-ladies (especially Jan and Saf if you're reading this) watch it. Prepare to melt Jannah, embrace yourself for the inevitable.
A 20 sec video that can make me smile for 20 minutes. One word: KAWAIII!
Almost paradise? Yes, I am ALMOST THERE.
Coming soon? Well, make it sooner.
Now, how long has this post made me smile-like-an-idiot so far?
Well, enough to make me forget that I'm supposed to mourn over my oh-I-am-sooo-dead MYE results. Speaking of which: OH HOLY.
Okay, enough of this. But I'll share with you a very funny incident today that brings us back to reality. Question: To what extent has technology impacted (normal) human behaviours? Well, this incident has given me that enlightenment. I was sms-ing my mum about how I just found my ez-link card, in between the pages of my daily planner. And she replied, almost 5 minutes later just to say:
Initially, I have no idea what she was trying to say, or even how I'm supposed to read it. Then slowly, I tried saying the words out loud, and I almost rolled on the floor laughing when I finally realised what the msg meant. To those who still cannot figure out what the above statement was, my mother was simply saying: U VERY CARELESS. Obviously, not only has my mother tried to simplify the spelling of these 3 words, she also made it certain that she add a touch of cuteness to it (or so it seems). But it's okay Bonda, rock on and peace out - I no longer doubt that you are indeed my dear mother. Your creativity and sense of humor exceeds mine.
Every day is a gift,
that's why we call it present.
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Happy 8th to us
12:00:00 AM
And it takes some work to make it work.
It takes some good to make it hurt.
It takes some bad for satisfaction.
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful.
Ah la la la la la life goes full circles.
-Jason Mraz
Today is the 11th, again.
(enter my name here)
Labels: and who am i?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Walk the Talk
8:48:00 PM

Okay, the usual exam post-mortem period has begun. And it's when every teacher go all out to bring down your waterface and demoralize you even further, as if the grades hadn't done a good job at it. And it's even worse when they start on the big letter A. Subject by subject, teacher after teacher, paper to paper - (insert Mcfly's All About 'U' song here to know the reason).
But being the quick-but-still-'lambat' repented girl that I was, I was really taken aback by Mr C's words. When all the teachers do the same things, and say the same things with the same tone, I tend to practice selective hearing. Other times, I resort to retaliation/rebellious acts. But this time, I guess it was his clear, straight-in-the-face rantings that wasn't just from another teacher, but a very concerned one at that. And it's been long since I felt like there was any. To make things seem as if what I was feeling wasn't just me, most of the Geog people for my lecture group turned up at the library doing geography during the 3 breaks before the day ends with another Geography lecture. LOL.
And I can't believe I'm enjoying reading the book:
Complete A-Z Geography Handbook! It's amazing what weird words you can find there. Funny how I like to remember such things even when this is really not important. And under exam conditions, I really don't think I'd remember. But nevermind, I'm happy living in the geography bubble.

And the day didn't just end there, I swear I was just so ________! :DDD History made a new mark in my life today. Now I know how it feels like to have butterflies in your stomach. Okay maybe not really. But it was just the thought of it. I can't believe I was disappointed when they didn't get to take it. Let's see if there's going to be a next time. But thanks eh - you can't be more UN-professional than that! THANK YOU, ILU2.
(Note to self: Fantasies should just be fantasies. All the how-I-wish needs to be under the strict control of harsh realities in life. It shouldn't be wandering about in your head, all mixed up with wild imaginations and withdrawal symptoms from Korean dramas! Stop smiling to yourself, nurulshafienasbintesalleh.)
NurSafiahAlias the Great once said:
It's heartache to be human.
It's true. I really believe in that today. But since patience is a virtue, I'll be nice. Besides, it's 'once in awhile'. A piece of advice: Walk The Talk. Don't be such a loser and be fickle-minded about things.
Oh and I really feel for MJ's 11-year old daughter, Paris. Being the daddy's girl, I truly love my father very much. And I do not even want to imagine ever having to lose him. I think the world will come to a stop for me. So when Paris said those touching words during MJ's memorial service, I teared up just looking at her and seeing her do it. She's very brave, and strong.
p.s. 18th July - SENTOSA, here I come! I really can't wait. It'll be me and my friends having fun under the sun. And when it's this group of wonderful people I call friends, time is always not on our side, or at least mine. (enter my name here)
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
10:01:00 PM
despite the excessive stress that one may face during the exam periods, it's actually fun to see what one may do to relieve those stresses. and while i can't believe myself either for saying this, but i seriously do think that it's funnier when there are the stuffs that you can laugh about in these desperate times. it's really how you deal with the mental challenge that can either make you or break you. for example, talking about the episodes of B.O.F. when exams start in 45 mins. (i'm crapping with confidence, so don't mind me.)
friends are always the people you can depend on anytime, anywhere. it helps to know that you're never the only one stressed out, feeling like you need to jump from the tallest building or simply need to take a nap that may last for 24 hours. there are friends that will cheer you on all the way. and despite doing fairly well themselves, friends still be the good saint that they are and tell you that they'd fail with you. all the studying together, and all the preparations done together, you'd really want to cherish these times as you experience them. one is only as happy as he sees himself to be. that's why we (A301) can still laugh out loud even when people are all stressed out around us with our noisy talking and whatnots. because we all know that our aim is still just the As, and nothing else. well at least besides getting the H1N1 too, for some others.
another particular group of people that you can always depend on would be the teachers. from those who give you last minutes tips on what to expect, to those who just love to look at you try ever so hard to squeeze out any small information out from their tiny mouth. and then there's the teacher who can't seem to understand that we hate it when the heels go banging on the wooden floors in the hall every few seconds. oh how about the teacher who just can't seem to speak up? Or took attendance wrongly and ended up with your parents getting a phone call that you're not taking the paper, when you were clearly cracking your head in the exam room?
but then, you can really love the teacher who tries to make sure that you do see the brighter side, even when there's really isn't. i remember mr chen's great words of wisdom:
"Look up for inspiration, look down in desperation and look to the side for information."Quite frankly, I do think it can be applied to my case almost everytime and I do find it a bit too yes, funny. it's always nice to have him around. he would know you so well in no time. the worse you do, the more attention you'd get. before the paper, he already told us that we have to buck up on this human geog paper, since we all have done oh-so-terribly for the physical geog paper. in class, he said it again to everyone who was present.
and to the girl known for her parachute bag:
"If I were to arrange the papers from top to bottom on a table, I think yours would be under the table."
And to the guy who he claimed to have dropped in his standing according to mr chen's 'F1 list:'
"Please be reminded to start a question on a fresh sheet of paper, but J____ L___, you can write on the reverse side." "The paper is 3 hours long, but for you JL, by the amount that you will write, you'll be done in 45 mins."And now, as i prepare myself for his tough love course, where he will be drilling and giving very intensive sessions of the holy subject, i'll just quietly try to escape his sight for now. being on his radar is not that bad, and it really will benefit you. but i'll wait for my turn when he really starts to come after me. the queue's quite long though but it's worth the wait.
note to self: maybe i should start considering chris-chen-ism for my own sake. followers anyone?
so to my dear friends, as we curse the not-so-useless exams and drag our feet as we walk for the many sleepless night that we had to endure, let's look on the bright side of life from now on. and since we're going to live through life once, let's make many great memories form this kind of very-dead-and-only-feel-like-sleeping atmosphere. i'm sure when we finally enter the big world of the working adults, these would be the little things that we'd want to remember, even if the pain is actually the teacher!
speaking of which, i swear i can go kill this person who does the exam schedule! not only did he/she let many of the science students finish early, some as early as today such that the entire class decided to go to Sentosa straightaway, now the econs department are having extra classes on the last day of the exam from 5 to 6.30pm! WTH!. I have paper all the way to 5 and you're telling me to come for lectures after that? I need to go celebrate for goodness sake. I have a life, if you don't.
What's that - A levels? Please let me catch my breath first before I get there.
(enter my name here)
Labels: pause, play, rewind
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Oh My Girl
9:29:00 PM
On a brighter note, my mother is definitely doing all that she can to make sure I really deserve to succeed her as the current
kitchen district officer! Can you imagine how wide her smile was when I told her that I whipped up Pattayya fried rice for her for lunch? Then imagine how fast her expression changed when she saw my father stepped out of the kitchen 3seconds later. Sorry mother, it was beyond hilarious. But have no fear
Bonda, I am not your daughter for nothing! I will learn how to cook a wonderful meal for you and the entire family one day.
And I can't wait for Saturday! (if it's happening) Let's paint the town red ATTP!
p.s. go crack my real intention of this post.
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Friday, July 03, 2009
my migraine
10:34:00 PM
3 signs that show me my brain has exceeded its capacity:
8.45am: I woke up this morning, opening and closing my eyes at least 3 times, because I thought my room wasn't (or at least didn't look like) my room. This is what happens when the stupid migraine decides to torture your head and you end up tossing and turning in your bed for at least 3 hours before getting 3 minutes of sleep and then waking up again because you can't sleep and the pain is too much.
10.30am: This is the weirdest thing I did. I took the bus 358 today and was supposed to get down 2 stops later. I did get down at the right stop, and then I went to buy bread, fruits, bubble tea and 2 pen ink refills. Then I took the bus back home and enjoyed my strawberry milk tea. It was only when I got down from the bus that I realised I was actually supposed to go to the polyclinic first to consult the doctor.
1pm: I put my handphone on silent mode and then hid it inside my drawer (because I didn't want to be disturbed). I then went to sleep and woke up 1 hour later (but I thought I had only slept for 10 minutes) and I almost turned the entire house upside down because I couldn't find my handphone after searching for it for almost 2 hours. My mother almost skinned me alive after I told her where I left my handphone.
(enter my name here)
Labels: and who am i?
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
from my heart?
11:22:00 PM
Some things have changed - for the better or even for the worse. Things may have been better now, but it'd be much more worse than before when it ends. But the things that have changed, this difference - it's going to stay the same way until the end right? It's going to be hard, it'd be difficult. No one said it was going to be easy; and everyone did tell me to stop.
In life, we talk too much about what we want, too much about what we wish for, and too much for the things that we'd die for. We'd forget the things that we need instead and the things that we already have. In life, we spend so much time trying not to say the things that we want to say, and the things that we should say. We'd send little messages, we'd speak in codes, and we'd do origami.
Wouldn't it be nice if things are always simple and plain?
Wouldn't it be nice if regrets and guilty conscience don't exist?
Right now, I'm neither asking for anything more, nor giving anything away. Idk what happened, but some things have really changed. I just want to say thank you, in case I forget again later.
I don't always mean all that I said, and I don't always say all that I meant to. (but we all believe what we want to believe. and we all make our own little assumptions and funny theories. and then we all make out a whole new understanding of things and we all have weird interpretations. we all like some imaginatinative fantasies before finding our own conclusions.)
p.s. this is not an emo post.
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is