Okay I can't take it anymore.
I am in a very desperate need for a maths genius.
Actually, I'm in need for a new brain too.
Let me see if I can find
any kind soul willing and able
to do some serious, last-minute consultation
for H1 maths with me.
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
5:59:00 PM
10 random things in my head (whose brain has ceased to function for the day):
1. H1N1 cases in Singapore has reached to 220 already! Why aren't they closing the schools? Why in the world is it still allowed to open on Monday? Isn't prevention better in times like these? (okay this is just my wishful thinking and very biased opinion.)
2. The GC needs more functions that are crucially important to students like do-all-the-workings, crash-course, tell-me-the-right-answer-because-the-teacher-is-just-another-human-who-makes-mistakes, or maybe having a touch function or having a voice that can really teach you maths. (But that would make going to school useless.) Because right now, the GC is only applicable when I actually know what I'm supposed to do from the question. Unfortunately, I don't.
3. Even though MYE has yet to start, I've got too much that I want to do after that. Amongst which would be the shopping, the movie-marathons, the many many many travelling to places on this small island (or even to ubin?) and chilling out while catching up with old friends and oh, the lots of sleeping. But I think above all, I really do need the talking to girlfriends. It's been long.
4. I think my parents are already well-aware that they have a 65.324581469887% chance of coming down to school for a parent-teacher conference. Oh holy.
5. A very-sarcastic-and-original friend of mine once said: Don't catch time. Let time catch you. In other words, (she's trying to say): be ahead of time. This shall be my mantra from now on. Thanks to you my friend, I've realised the utmost importance of time management. (or is it all about good timing?)
6. Another not-so-wise-or-anywhere-near-it friend of mine reminded me: When life gives you lemons, don't just make lemonade. Make some lemon tea and give it back to life. (Thanks eh!) I don't think he even understood what he was saying.
7. I don't understand why I have dreams to live in places somewhere near the sea, when I can get sea-sick quite easily. And top that with the fact that I'm not really a good swimmer.
8. Speaking of which, of all the things I can see me doing in the future, I don't think it currently includes that of entering a University.
9. If the words beautiful, sexy, gorgeous and all the etc-yang-sewaktu-dengannya were to be in human form, I think it'd be Megan Fox.
10. Just a very very very random note: I must really have a thing for the fair.
Okay back to the conflicts between the absolute territorial sovereignty by the upper riparian states and the absolute integrity of the river by the lower riparian states. (Whatever that means.)
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
11:44:00 PM
I do not welcome it, but it came.
I do not ask for it, but it came.
I do not expect it, but it came.
I was there when it came.
I was there yesterday, at the point of death.
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Where are my mars parents?
4:24:00 PM
Wow, I so have a life.
My parents have been going in and out of the house, all busy to watch their youngest son in silat finals, or whatever (besides going to work and and the hospital). My elder brother has been going in and out the house too, doing God-Knows-What. And as for moi, I've been shifting here and there, from my room to the living room to my parents' room and even yes, right beside the fridge in the kitchen.
I've been appointed as the full-time security guard for this beautiful and not-so-big mansion. Lucky thing, I have my dear Differentiation and Integration and many-other-mathematics topics to cover for the MYE. And oh yes, if you're wondering what my pay is, it's all the things I can find in the kitchen. Of course, that is if it's not already empty. I need to go to NTUC.
Oh did I tell you that I love running errands. And I absolutely love going round and round in NTUC to find all the stuffs needed. It makes me feel as if I'd make a good housewife someday.
Speaking about parents running around, I was wondering when was the last time I saw my parents so geared up to be part of the cheerleading team. The only time they came down for my netball game was when our team made it to the finals and I was in Sec 2. And that was after I specifically told them that I wanted them there. And when I became a proud drama member, sadly they couldn't make it to any of my plays. The time I was part of the cast, they had work to do. And for the past two years, I've been the crew because my father doesn't really approve of me being one of the cast. He even disapprove of me joining this internship opportunity that I got. To think of it, he didn't like me playing netball either. That's the reason why I could quit so easily, even when the coach kept on insisting that I stay.
(p.s. No, I do not hate my parents; I was just thinking.)
And now, I'm too fed up with maths, and the GC just died on me. So I came here, and oh I should treat myself some mysoju.com shows. Oh btw to my dearest girls who are also mysoju.com fans, you can go to dramacrazy.net for the same kind of entertainment. I just found another alternative to watch all your favourite shows, just in case our dear mysoju.com fails.
This is how I spend my weekends, stuck at home or making my way to the hospital again. Oh wow, I definitely have a life, don't you think?
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I slapped my crush and he doesn't know why.
11:11:00 PM
Okay this thing is getting to me.
I can't get it out of my head.
I didn't even tell you why!
And you didn't bother to ask,
even after that?
Even if you don't need me to explain it,
and you think you deserve it
(assuming you do already know),
it still doesn't make sense, you know!
I just don't get how your brain work.
So, WHY?
I was shocked, if you're not.
No, I'm surprised and curious.
No, no, I'm just very confused.
(enter my name here)
Labels: and who am i?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
just randomness
9:09:00 PM
This may not be agreed by everyone but this is my blog. So I'l get on with it. I just got to say this to all those folks who keep giving the look as if I'm blind.
First, people should stop thinking that going to a JC is a big thing. Because it's not; it's just over-rated. At least someone who has graduated from a JC and is going into a top University is a big thing. I'm not there yet so you can really stop giving me the 'wow' and the 'oooohhhh'.
Secondly, people should stop assuming a normal distribution that all JC students have the same high IQ level. Because we don't; we still have our own bunch of retainees and dropouts. (no offence to them here.) There's a withdrawal form for us too and we do get kick out you know. That's probably the reason why we are studying. At least we make some effort to maintain our place; do you?
Lastly, these people should also stop the sarcasm about us taking the A levels. Last time I checked, I'm the one taking the big exam so excuse me if I'm in your way, but I'm still the one in the race here, not you.
And fyi, we study hard and play hard too. Just because you see us study all the time, it does not mean we don't enjoy a fair share of fun and laughter. It doesn't mean we don't lead a blissful, carefree life like you do. I'm still just human.
Oh and anyway, I think one day, I want to go out and start observing people. Okay, maybe more of their mannerisms. Not that I'm very well-mannered, or that I need to take lessons from others, but I think it'd be amusing. I was in the MRT today and at this particular popular station, the passengers came in as if they had someone screaming from behind their backs to charge into the battlefield. It's not like they only had 3 seconds to do so, but they sure acted as such. They'd block you, nudge you, ignore you, and even better push you with force enough to make you fall and when they're finally happily seated down, they'd act like they had just walked with such poise. I wonder if there was a prize to win at the end of the ride.
What kind of a loser gets her plans with someone cancelled
by the same someone 4 days in a row?
Those who know this, don't say anything. Those who don't, don't ask anything either.
I am such a shame. Yeah yeah, this is nothing.
And I thought my sharp tongue was becoming too blunt.
Oh how oblivious.
Oh how memorable.
Oh how silly.
At the end of the day, I just want to do this.
Did you get the message?
{The singer may kill me if she sees this, but she'll forgive me.
I just have to put this up.}
(enter my name here)
Labels: pause, play, rewind
Monday, June 15, 2009
oh it's just the stupid MYE
8:08:00 PM
Okay 2 weeks left and I swear there's still too much that needs to get done. The good news is, I'm more than halfway through maths, which is just like what I initially planned. Bad news is, that's just what I've only done! No geography, no economics and most certainly no sastera! How not-so-shocking afterall.
Anyways, chillax session at Shatun/Shafiq's house was very much needed. (Or was there just too much food?) The last time we had a chillax session, chocolate was the main ingredient. This time, it was chicken, chicken and more chicken! You should have seen what Shatun diligently prepared for us! Let's get to the pictures.

Not forgetting that it wasn't our house to begin with, we just made sure that Shatun gave the thumbs up to let us karaoke and oh, practically disturb all the peace and quiet for the other residents. Too bad we didn't know how to lower the volume.

Then karaoke started to get boring, and so we moved on to playing childish games like Happy meal and the thumb game. After a few rounds of that, chicken was ready while we were in the middle of playing murderer game. So all civillians either got killed or committed suicide immediately. But the murderer was just too slow at doing his job!

Then it was already 8pm. And I decided to be a good girl and not test the patience of my mars parents. So we had a very quick photo session upon my request (everyone was very into the movie we were watching then - Legally Blonde) and as you can see, each one just had to pose in a way that was out of the ordinary. One even had too much criticism coming, I just couldn't add on to the long list.

This one in particular: What the heck is Faruq trying to do ??? Obviously he wants to be the original one because practically everyone else is giving the peace sign, except for Faruq's twin brother there - I think he thinks this was an ANTM photoshoot maybe or trying so hard to prove he is a mat afterall?

It was a long day, and I loved it. The trip home with Wida should have been longer though, tsk. We should have taken the bus instead. But on a brighter note, I reached home at 9 and not even a single look from my dear father. Not bad nurulshafienasbintesalleh. I think my parents finally realised I'm, 17 going on 18 years old.
Anyway, I am in the distracted mood today. I couldn't sit still for at least 2 hours. And I blame this solely on that rash, impulse moment and now, I'm so scared and nervous. I need to talk to my girls - It's been far too long without all the gossips sessions and oh the confessions. But for now, I'll just be loyal and faithful to my darling bornhardts and the lovely castle kopjes, and the beautiful process of gentrification.
Now, has anyone seen my brain?(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Thursday, June 11, 2009
carry on my wayward son
11:11:00 PM
Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high
Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I'm dreamin',
I can hear them say
Carry on my wayward son,
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more
well, it's just that it's been so long and it had been everything but easy and wonderful. because all the laughing-to-my-face and all the questions of why, what, when - i faced them all alone. at some point of time, i really had no one who wanted this for me, and that together with the shit i was already getting, i didn't want it too sometimes. __'s not this, __'s not that, __'s this and that whatever - you don't have to tell me what i already know okay? i'm not asking much, but i was thinking if someone can just let me be for one day. because for one, i'm still facing this alone.
but at least you were there for me, and you still are. so did a bloody hell lot of everyone else who knew. and i'm thankful for everything. but who knows, if you try a little bit harder next time, i'll probably be over this and then you'd get what you wish for. no, i'm not angry or even the least offended (i'm seriously serious about this one), i'm just disappointed with myself too, especially today about 7 months ago.
this is the reason why i never told anyone my reason: because IDK; maybe next time you'd want to take me seriously when i said idk.on a much brighter and happier note: MJI had our much needed gathering before the MYE stress starts taking its toll. and for those of you who weren't there, there'll be a next time {i guess.} there were lots of food (like seriously), the playing games-that-i-sucked-real-bad-at and karaoke and oh the movie. one constant: cam-whoring. more pictures up real sooon, i think.
for now, make do with these.

p.s. The one chance I was looking forward to was staring straight back at me. And I let it get taken away without even a word of discontent out of my big foul mouth. So you tell me how I should take that. One more thing: no one can ever understand anything, unless they've been through it and somewhat unlucky-er in that sense.
(enter my name here)
Labels: and who am i?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
i'm just saying
11:55:00 PM

In the face of true love, you don't just give up,
even if the object of your affection is begging you to.
-Chuck Bass

I realised that while we can't tear a single page of our life,
we can throw the whole book in the fire.
-Blair Waldorf

There's a BBQ tomorrow, and I'm stuck between the options that I have.
Maybe we can't have any more than what we get.
Maybe all we can get is all that we already have.
And then, it's up to us to make the most out of it.
Like it or not, we're stuck with this shit, and this is life.
Oh look at how far this has gone since it started,
and on the other side, how near we are to the end.
It's been long.
(enter my name here)
Labels: and who am i?, the world as it is
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
shafienas is on facebook
7:24:00 PM

I've finally given in to the demands of many,
because I've found enough time to spare,
and I couldn't think of a better way to waste it,
and I'm still trying to prove that I'm not such an idiot at using it.
Go figure it out.
If today was your last day,
and tomorrow was too late,
would you say goodbye to yesterday?
Every second counts,
cause there's no second try.
So live it like you're never living twice.
Today is the tomorrow you were worrying about.
p.s. I realise how much I love talking about things relative to time.
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Monday, June 08, 2009
report rashidah
11:11:00 PM
First and foremost,: Alhamdullilah, the storm's finally going to be over. I've got no details but all I need was that she's sitting there, breathing and talking. Thanks to all who raised their concerns.
Now that I'm over the moodless moods, let's talk about how much life I've been trying to get back. It's so nice to be back, laughing and smiling even when the sun is shining is a little bit too brightly.
Saturday, 6 June - Atiqah's sis' wedding
Like how we used to do it back in the old days, standing where the fan stops.
Such bad habits are really hard to get rid of.

So, the girls, as we separated from the guys, started eating and chilling out and taking more pictures, and catching up with friends who are always oh-so-surprised to see old friends at such good timing.

Rashidah and her tail.

The bride was beyond gorgeous!

The groom with the (as Namirah says it: kupang) kuda kepang.

Monday, 8 June - Rashidah's birthday
I hang around in school, trying to do as much maths as possible before that, and how {maybe-not-so}coincidentally, all that came into the discussion room were doing maths! And btw, fyi I do not look like the information counter, right? People just cannot stop coming to me asking something, or finding someone. Oh well, (inside joke) with great responsibility, comes great power.
Moving on, RADIOS (minus Diyanah) met again today to give the birthday girl a surprise. Turns out, she somehow expected it coming already. {No, this is not the birthday girl.}

Wow, we look flawless.
Inside joke: Lawa tak gigku? {insert big LOL here}

Namirah, Atiqah, Shafienas, Rashidah; Zahidah's behind camera.

Drinks were only served after I unexpectedly and unintentionally raised my voice to the manager. Oops - the customer is always right, right? Oh and don't get me started about how bad their service was - goodness gracious!

Everyone was busy catching up with everything, or at least wanted to. And as we devoured on the food, soon we realised it was already 7 and I have approximately 1 hour to get home. And yes, the curfew bar has been officially raised people. {Terms and conditions apply.}

Oh at one moment, Zahidah was busy talking about something to Rashidah, and then she suddenly said: Omg your mouth is so big! And everyone couldn't stop laughing at how big a piece of pizza can go into her mouth. Funny how she didn't realise that before. Cutting up the pizza was really tiring, seriously.

Last picture - If KFC had the grandfather outside the restaurant, Cheers just hired these 4 ladies to be the new faces of their stores! So do keep a lookout for them! (especially the one in green jeans; she does voluntary work at Santa's.)

Today was definitely a session I needed. Thank you girls.
After hanging out with the girls, I thought I'd drop by MJ or somewhere and hang out a little bit more with the MJI people. I felt guilty not going the other time they stayed back to play some games, and then this time I had something on again. But then they were already slacking. So, I'll make it up some other time, alright darlings? And I was already sweating like crazy even before I could pick up a racket.
Sidenote: I realised what A said was really true. We (MJI) have too many stories about too many people. And fyi, it's about going to the right person to get that story too. As far as I'm concerned, where people have only began talking, we've done half of our reserch on it. Okay maybe that's a little bit too exaggerated, but once we sit together, there's never too much missing pieces of the puzzle already. Unfortunately, this applies to members only. {okay maybe not always, but you get what I mean.}
Alright, anyway
to RADIOS: check your email for the pictures.
And please reply to the message I left there.

I don't even have to wonder why we were friends, why we still are friends, and why we will always be. We are the girls who sat all the way at the back of the class doing out own business every time, and we are the girls who always come in late whenever possible, be it class or school. And when we just can't be bothered, we just don't come at all!
That's why best friends will always be best friends. ( Another lesson to be learned here, if you get what i really mean actually.) Gosh, today was more than just fun! We should have more outings like these, where we not only talk like no tomorrow , but eat like there was no yesterday too. {If Diyanah were there, it would have been just nice.}
And maybe {just maybe} I will be a good girl and make a Facebook account for moi one of these days, given that I'v found enough incentive and time to do it.
oh and Happy 18th Birthday again, Rashidah.
(enter my name here)
Labels: pause, play, rewind