Sunday, March 29, 2009
stop laughing!
10:08:00 PM
I read this off the book I'm currently reading:

Then, right at the moment before he took the turn towards his dream girl/date, he turned around for one last time. He turned to look straight into the eyes of the girl, who was still standing there, even though he had turned his back to her. He looked really deep into the eyes of that girl, who had always been standing there. He knew that she'd still be standing there even after he had gone, or even if it rained. That girl looked so beautiful as she continued on smiling sweetly at him - that best friend of his. Then he felt the sudden urge to hug her tight, for all that she had done for him to get him this far. So he went over to her and held her really close. He let her get lost in his arms and it was only then that he realised how warm she had felt, and how he really liked that feeling, and how he never knew all this. Before he let go of her, he whispered into her ears,
"I love you, but I'm not in love with you. That's why you deserve better."
As he ran and went further and further away, she still couldn't believe what she had just heard. It was only until she couldn't heard his footsteps anymore, and until she couldn't smell his strong perfume anymore, she whispered to herself and acted as if he was still in front of her, she replied softly,
"I don't want anyone better, I want the best. The best is you."
Oh come on, wake up girl. he's gone! whattheheck - but I still like the last line the most. Okay, stop reading those silly books nurulshafienasbintesalleh. Get back to your research for Pidato topic:
Siapakah manusia sebenarnya?Oh yes, I'm dead.Towkay Wayang rocks shit! Job well done!
Awang Belanga(MI show) was even better! 2 hours of of serious-shit-non-stop-laughing was never better! To ira, haziq and ash who missed, gosh you guys missed a whole lot of laughing, seriously. Another great great great job well done!
{but of course, khai said Manifestasi was better yada yada yada.}
p.s. Namirah, Diyanah and Rashidah: click
here for the rooftop pictures.
p.s.s. MJI, click
here for pictures from Towkay Wayang, and MI show (untuk budak-budak sastera).
(enter my name here)
Labels: pause, play, rewind
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
switch off!
11:11:00 PM
"Love is about giving 2nd chances."It says 2nd chances, not just another chance. So how many more is that?
March Block Test was just a waste of my time. there were too many questions that i ended up crapping about. tsk - i shouldn't have bothered to answer them since it'll make me look dumb. okay fine, blame it on me for procrastinating earlier then, whatever.

after economics and then geography and maths today, i can finally breathe. but sheesh, there's going to be economics lecture, which i may/may not skip and then followed by my last paper. tsk - i'm always among those who takes the last few papers. i don't really give a damn about my malay literature paper, because i'll suck anyway. so let's switch off the brain, and amp up the fun. {not for long though, but of course, a girl can dream.}
next agenda: movie marathon Gossip Girl 2.

p.s. the first statement is true. the next is not.
economics paper was quite tough, really. and that's all i can remember, i don't recall giving any genius answers. oh well, let's just wait and see. geography was another killer. my essays should help me to some extent since my DRQs were just blanks and more blanks. i went to the extent of attaching an extra sheet of paper and passed it all up for corrections purposes later on. but then again, i should have studied some parts - tsk dang it. and maths was really mean. graphic calculator helped to such a small, insignificant extent, i even placed it under the table because it totally lost its functionality once i got to the statistics parts.

borak buddies (full attendance) went for breakfast after the paper just now, and it felt so long since we sat down together just like that. we should do it more, only if we have time to do so. tsk - we forgot to take a picture of us all.

oh and i just want to say to all that i may have been wrong about some things. some things that only some people know somewhat about somehow, or maybe not. but no one needs to be bothered by that. oh and hafeezah called me just now asking whether i could help her in D&T folio. gosh, it's been long since i ever set eyes on my own folio, and there she was going on and on about it. i didn't think any teacher would keep it since i thought mine was just average, just enough to have a pass. oh how i miss my used-to-be lifeline and the hard work. success is really sweet. i wonder if i ask feezah to take a picture of it. haha - yeah, i'm so lame. oh oh oh and well done again Liverpool. to ManU, another loss? too bad so sad; go fly kite lah.
okay now, for the many things that i have learnt, and you should too:

and if i were a boy:

oh oh oh and being the dedicated and determined geographer that i am, here's a shoutout to all you earthlings: approximately 2 days and 20 mins from now, it's Earth Hour. 8.30PM local time, wherever you live on planet Earth (Saturday, 28 March 2009) -
switch off the lights.

okay fine, picture overload. so i'll end here then.
(enter my name here)
Labels: pause, play, rewind
Friday, March 20, 2009
i'm just sayin'
9:19:00 PM
First and foremost:
1. happy belated 20th birthday iskandarmirzasalleh!
2. happy 25th birthday fernando torres {a.k.a. since-forever bf}

Note to self:
I will be happy for me, and for all the times that I wasn't.
Really, I will show you how happy works.
But this time, I'll keep quiet, I'll just watch.
When I said I'd be there, I'll just only be there.
(enter my name here)
Labels: the world as it is
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
RADIOS minus A&I
8:23:00 PM
nurulshafienasbintesalleh has either really lost her mind or is currently still sleeping. as i am very sure that the entire mjc J2 cohort now mugs and burns the midnight oil, i am still not feeling any pressure. the panic mode is definitely faulty this time round. i think i need the results to wake me up. but of course, that'll be too late, as proved by my GP attempt.
alright alright, what is shafienas blabbering about this time huh? WELL on tuesday, instead of being the good girl mugging with her all-time best friend at T3 macs, i just lost all focus as soon as D said she couldn't focus anymore either, and that was the start os FUN TIME. but hey, at least i did sit down for a whole 3 hours and did a substantial amount of maths. silly D, we were supposed to meet at 1, and when i called her at 1, she said she just woke up. then i realised suddenly, i'm not as impatient that i used to be and decided to wait for her patiently. good job shafienas, because usually i would have just told that person to not come at all. moving on, let's just fast forward to the part when N finally met us after work.
introducing to you: D

S {me}

then after the late lunch, we cam-whored a bit
at the very-cool-and-high-class toilet.

THE mirror

that lazy to upload every single picture, so i complied them.

when we were tired of the toilet, we then headed for the rooftop.
N was really mesmerized by the place, just as i was the first time.
and it gets better!

while waiting for R to come, and D telling us how to pose here and there,

and me just following every instruction given,

N then told me how the 'right' kind of pose should be.

and then after that, she couldn't stop doing it!

woah or what, right?

oh oh oh and this is how colourful R and N are -
gym girls gone gila.

after R came, and i finally had enough courage to tell her the
not-so-surprising-news-afterall, we talked more. everything from the 'hot' news, to the whys and what-telah-happen, and then to the working politics, and the 'illegal activities' all the way to the gym session (oh and R actually took dance lesson with N there!) and then landed under the umbrella title FRIENDS - mine, theirs, hers, his, ours, ALL.

to atiqah (if you're reading this):
you got mail! from us, who miss you, and zah especially! R never stopped disturbing N as always, and i would never stop laughing as long as i with these crazy girls.
as the sun sets, i then got the green light to extend my curfew to 8.30 - YAY!

i told you it got better!
{of course i edited mine to exaggerate the effect}
look at the colour of the sky - fuyoooooooo!

and before we kissed the beautiful view goodbye,
{because R was feeling hungry as per norm}

we took more memorable pictures, just in case.

N insists that the view behind to be seen too in the picture taken!

then we back in to Air House Cafe for R's dinner. N and R were so sweet so as to cancel their gym session, just so that the 4 of us can spend time together that afternoon. R's reason: "no need go la Nami, my back pain sia...!" and when R heard that N was with D and i, she said over the phone with her whiny voice: "ehhh i also want to meeeet themmmmm...!" what a funny girl sia! and then she tried to promote her seluar tali to me.
R: it's good Nas, this kind of pants. no need to zip, just wear it! you know, my father wants me to wear baggy pants actually, because he don't like me wearing those low-waist kind of jeans.
S: yalah! so low, of course la he don't want!
R: no la, then he want me to tuck in my shirt some more! he say smart! what sia!
S: eh then who recommend you all this kind of pants? where you buy ah?
R: at bugis! (pointing to N) all because of mak.
after that whenever i asked her where she bought her stuffs, it'll always be the same answer and the same person. it's like she stayed there and never went home!

R ordered
hot plate chili prawn with rice. the rest of us were not that hungry though so we didn't order anything. R was so impatient and idk why, she took the chopsticks when she ordered rice! when her dish came, we were so excited and N could even say: " eh Rash, go take 3 more folks and spoons!" then all of us dig in. the hot plate was definitely too small, because our utensils came on hitting each other.

then halfway, R realised that there was supposed to be fried egg at the side, but there was only scrambled egg.
R: eh why no egg ah? where's my egg? eh D, take the menu, i want to see the picture. see! got egg! eh all of you stop eating, i want to refund! stop stop!
while she was talking the rest of us were actually busy eating her meal. haha! then we just told her to finish eating first and redeem her egg later on.

by then it was already 8.15 so we decided to quickly drop by popeyes {because they wanted some food there} before heading back home. upon reaching there, they were given the food more than what they paid for, because N was working there, and R used to work there until 3 weeks ago, and so they could ask for more without getting caught, and then we head to the smoking area, where R actually sat down and started eating her chicken!
S: eh Rash, didn't you just finish eating hot plate just now? then now you eat again?
R: really ah Nami? got meh? oh, i forgot la!
and so while N and R ate their chickens with another colleague, D and I headed home first. it was tiring at the end of the day, but i really wanted to stay on. if only i didn't have parents from mars, or if i didn't feel guilty not studying in the first palce...tsk dang. before we left, R shouted to us:
R: eh at the end of the month, meet again okay! go Seoul Garden!
S: eh Rash, just remember that we're schooling, you're not!
but whatever it is, you kow that Seoul Garden is a must-happen -
just wait and see.p.s. to the 3 girls, i'll upload the rest of the pictures somewhere soon, so just take whatever's here first okay?
(enter my name here)
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